Category: quintessential tidbits

Decorating with…Vintage Trunks and Cases

At quintessential duckeggBLUE the thing that we love most about decorating with Vintage Trunks & Cases is that they immediately recall a previous life of travel and

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What’s Your Type?

The appreciation and collection of vintage typography is an ongoing obsession at quintessential duckeggBLUE. Everything from destination and street signs, Victorian and vintage advertising, shop signs, depth

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Join The Club

  Vintage Leather Club Chairs are an absolute favourite at Quintessential duckeggBLUE. So much that our store doesn’t quite feel itself unless there are always a few

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Entertain in the Most Elegant Fashion

Sourced in provincial France our Antique and Vintage Breadboards immediately conjure up many associations … how about long lunches in some sun dappled country house in Provence

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  The appeal of Industrial Vintage Lighting is something that, at quintessential duckeggBLUE, we never tire of. Let us count the ways … Versatile, elegant, structural, modern

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Take a peek at our owners, Leanne & Trent Carter’s home, as featured in the May edition of Home Beautiful. Venture from our quintessential duckeggBLUE store and

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